Why your web team needs an invite to your strategy meetings now

I’ll give it to you straight: It is imperative that you invite your web team to your marketing strategy meetings. Your company’s website is one of its most valuable customer-facing marketing assets, so your website operations need to get serious about how web design enhances your marketing efforts.

New channels, new social media platforms, and other trends will come and go — and it will be important for your marketing team to experiment through each. But your company...

Sisca Margaretta, CMO, Experian APAC: On increasing customer expectation – for insight and privacy

“I’ve always believed that anything fuelled by data, whether you’re trying to win an argument over dinner or building a business case to invest in marketing, means you have a lot more grounds to stand on.”

Sisca Margaretta, chief marketing officer of Experian Asia Pacific (APAC), speaks from experience on this. While it was already a maxim of hers before joining the company, the numbers Experian crunch to deliver its product, as well as additional services to...

Three ways you can use Google’s tools to dominate local search

Often, when companies think about search engine optimisation, it’s largely focused on determining where their business shows up on a search results page. While this is, of course, an important part of the equation, it also assumes that all search is the same. In truth, search results are not created equal — especially when it comes to those for local businesses.

Unlike companies that operate primarily online or have locations everywhere, local businesses tend to have...

Zero likes given: Kahlua’s latest campaign was true to its roots – but portrayed a serious message

Last month, a curious exhibition took place in New York. The photographs showcased would have, by conventional standards, led to the exhibition being a complete dud.

Yet this pop-up showcase, put together by liqueur brand Kahlua and actress Jackie Cruz, proffered to showcase a different form of creativity. The pictures (below) had been uploaded to the ether of Instagram but had not received a single like between them.

For Kahlua, which has long portrayed itself as an...

A guide to campaign tracking for simple and stress-free analytics

Any business that wants to be successful needs to know which marketing techniques are effective to their customers, members and target audience. Without this knowledge, it’s impossible to know whether your marketing campaigns are effective or if they are simply wasting your time and money.

Which means that campaign tracking is a fundamental part of digital marketing reporting, and if you’re not doing it, or doing it incorrectly, then you may end up using your budgets for...

The 2019 data outlook sees spending rocket and multi-channel key amid regulatory concerns

Data spending continues to go up - but getting fresh, gleaming, actionable insights remains a challenge. According to a new survey published by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), organisations are looking to multi-channel to create those harmonious experiences users will love.

The study, which polled 105 professionals focused across marketing service providers, developers and publishers, found cross-channel campaign measurement and attribution - cited by 57.3% of those polled -...

Yannic Pluymackers, CMO, Lastminute.com: On management and creating moments for users

You don’t have to be a data scientist to be a CMO these days, but it helps.

That might be stretching the idiom a bit – but a data-centric background certainly hasn’t hindered Yannic Pluymackers. The chief marketing officer of Lastminute.com for more than two years – while admitting he is no data scientist himself – studied economics and statistics at university, and feels being conversant in these disciplines is key.

“There is some truth...

Three key ways predictive analytics can improve social performance

AI is gaining significant readership. Businesses of all sizes, all over the world, are becoming conscious of the rise in AI in the marketing field. Why is this happening? Put simply, every single business needs the same thing: getting clients. Reach an audience, the right one, and sell. No tricks on that.

All executives know that to be profitable companies need to sell – but over the last few years they are facing a continual decrease in their ROI. Marketing and sales...

Pay attention: Why it’s time to rethink the meaning of engagement

Making an impression on consumers through standard display advertising has become incredibly difficult. Not only is the landscape becoming more and more cluttered as brands compete for attention online, but 40% of British consumers claim to dislike all types of online advertising, and ad blocking usage levels are remaining around 25%.

Similarly, according to data from Lumen’s eye-tracking panel only 12% of people actually look at online ads - let alone interact with them...

Transforming customer experience into an actionable marketing strategy: A guide

The workforce as we know it is changing and companies must be ready to adapt to fast change as we become ever more tech-centric. However, despite the digital noise there is one element that will always remain a constant requirement for success; delivering an excellent customer experience (CX) and maintaining a well-received brand image.

In our highly connected 'always on' digital world, CX combined with word of mouth is potentially one of the most powerful marketing tools...