For luxury brands, the possibilities of programmatic cannot be ignored

For luxury brands, creating customer relationships, and the revenues they bring, is everything. A $25,000 watch or $150,000 vehicle is rarely an impulse buy, but instead a purchase achieved after many different points of engagement. 

An increasingly higher percentage of all ad budgets is being taken up by programmatic advertising, and luxury brands and their marketing efforts need to hop on board with this trend. Digital advertising has the power to use contextual targeting and...

Is app apathy hurting your marketing strategy?

Are you reaching your audience directly through mobile apps? If not, there is a whole new digital market that remains, literally, untapped.

Content consumption is nearly universal on mobile devices in 2019, especially on apps. From Instacart to Waze, apps capture the attention of billions on a daily basis.Three of every four users not only say their phone is useless with apps, but default to using apps when they’re bored. Access to...