How good design can influence return on investment online

It’s very easy for organisations to look at design as an added expense, rather than an investment.

A company’s business plan will typically include the costs of staff, infrastructure, and products and services – but why should the creative be seen as an ‘extravagance’ or overlooked entirely?

In fact, design can be the accelerator needed to generate company leads – it can be the difference between brands retaining customers, and their key targets venturing to...

Why does my organisation need to rebrand? Key points to consider

Whether sales have slipped, workforces and customers have outgrown an existing brand, or leaders have had to pivot their propositions to remain relevant, exploring a rebrand is by no means an overnight process – or a quick-fix that doesn’t address underlying issues.

Several conversations between internal teams have to take place long before any decisions concerning a new identity are made. Each step of the way must also highlight exactly what such a project can achieve – and...