Influencers vs. copyright for music beds: Why AI could be the solution

If you find the topic of music copyright confusing then you’re not alone. It’s complicated, disjointed and expensive. But for content creators it’s an integral part of their process and necessary to achieve success.

All content creators understand the value that music adds by providing a layer that sets emotion, fun and enhances the experience for the viewer. But the practical application isn’t as straightforward as adding your favourite track to your...

How to write marketing emails for pandemic-era prospects in 2021: A guide

By now, you’ve likely heard that people are spending more time online. This isn’t a surprise, considering how quarantine and social distancing restrictions have affected everyone’s lifestyles. However, as a New York Times analysis revealed, people aren’t necessarily visiting the same websites they frequented before COVID-19 swept the globe.

While established media brands and streaming websites saw significant increases in traffic, many other URLs took hits as people’s...

Understanding the importance of authenticity in corporate social activism

Over the past few years we’ve witnessed a striking shift in how brands communicate their identity, values and humanity. While companies traditionally avoid taking a public stance on social and political discourse, it seems that more and more brands are choosing to break this mould.

While some chalk up this change to progress, there are countless critics of corporate social activism that argue that brands’ motivations are neither altruistic nor pure. And certainly, when brands...

How marketing teams can look to replace ‘best practice’ with experimentation

The pace of change continues to accelerate, meaning marketers can no longer rely on best practice, previous results or assumptions. After all, 2019 will be anything but comparable to 2020...and 2021 will no doubt bring a new set of circumstances. This means experimentation and proposition development are more important than ever before. The question is no longer ‘should we change something?’ but ‘how big a change do we need to make?’

Whilst it’s prudent not to reinvent...

How to make the most of email marketing over the holidays – and best practices for 2021

With such an unpredictable year coming to a close, one thing is certain: this year’s festive season will pose an extremely unique set of challenges for marketers. Depending on where you are in the world retailers are certainly readying themselves for a busy few weeks; however, a large majority of shoppers are still expected to do their Christmas shopping online as opposed to in store, especially in areas that have been deemed as’ higher risk’.

This Christmas, more than ever...

Why digital accessibility is now essential in the pandemic era

In a matter of weeks, Covid-19 achieved what years of lobbying and education had not - convincing organisations of the importance of making sure digital assets - like websites, emails and mobile apps - are easy to use and simple to navigate.

With the sudden upswing in digital demand and the almost overnight disappearance of physical interactions - it’s become clear how someone who cannot leave their home is forced to rely on digital channels, and how frustrating it is for them...

Five reasons you need a cart abandonment campaign

Research from the Baymard Institute shows that nearly 70 percent of online customers leave items in their carts without making a purchase.

Customers abandon carts for a variety of reasons, and there is no guarantee that they’ll remember to come back once they’ve left. Luckily, businesses aren’t helpless when it comes to reconnecting with these customers. Cart abandonment campaigns let businesses give a second pitch for their products and have another point of...

Why email needs to be the perfect platform for the Covid-19 moment

If anyone ever needed proof that email isn't dead, the Covid-19 crisis has provided it in spades. As companies around the globe became aware that the crisis would have an impact on their operations, customer communication became a higher priority than ever before. 

And rather than turning to instant messaging, chatbots, or any number of other newer technologies, most organisations chose to communicate with their customers via the old stalwart, email. And with good reason too....

Five key digital marketing strategies during Covid-19: Redefining and redeployment

While nobody can predict  what a post-coronavirus reality would look  like,  one thing is certain for marketers: digital channels are more important than ever. Online channels now play an increasingly crucial role, as people continue to self-isolate and spend more time online. In Italy, for instance, once the government introduced country-wide quarantines in mid-March, online traffic spiked 30%.

Today, we are seeing similar trends occur globally. In  these sensitive...

How to build a truly integrated marketing campaign – in six simple steps

Marketers are faced with a world of conflicting information, and it’s often supplied without evidence or an agenda. So, who should industry professionals trust when it comes to knowing exactly how to deliver messaging that works?

Not every marketing department will be utilising the powers of a great email campaign, but even for those that don’t, simple principles still apply.

When defining what an integrated campaign is, it gives meaning and purpose when...