Google’s advertising under fire by FTC

It’s not the first time Google has come under scrutiny by the FTC, but this time it’s whether the world’s favourite search engine is using its advertising platform to harm the competition.

“With great power, comes great responsibility” is a quote which comes to mind when speaking about a giant like Google, and I’m not sure Spiderman would approve of how Google is handling its responsibility to provide fair ground for advertising.


Twitter helps your marketing with ‘Lead Generation’ Cards

Just over a month ago, DeveloperTech wrote about Twitter updating its expandable “Cards” to include apps, products, and photo galleries. In a blog post; Twitter has announced “Lead Generation” cards to further help with your digital marketing.

If you’re unaware of how the cards work, they’re currently only available via the web and official Android/iOS clients, and allow the standard tweets to be “expanded” with more...

Regulator shuts down TweetDeck due to accounting irregularities

TweetDeck is a well-known product for many diehard (otherwise known as “power”) users of the popular micro-blogging platform service, Twitter.

So in less than 140 characters, let’s explain the situation: “TweetDeck fails to file financial records, gets ‘dissolved’ by Cardiff-based Companies House”.

Let’s go a little more in-depth. Twitter first bought TweetDeck Ltd in 2011 for a reportedly cool £25 million deal from...

Monolith collects digital analytics for the real-world

Certain times technology advances in a way which can briefly shock you, before you step-back and realise this is the future. ‘Monolith’ – a hardware device which tracks your “real life” engagement from users and customers, categorising by various criteria such as gender and age, is a perfect example of one of these technologies.

The hardware side of Monolith is actually just a Microsoft Kinect housed in the company’s own grey, subtle casing –...