A whirlwind of emotions: The impact of consumer emotional states on search

Humans are not always wholly rational beings. That is not to infer that we are irrational, but simply that not every decision is based on a set of practical, logical steps. Often, our current emotional state has a huge part to play in how we behave at any given time. 

For marketers it is important to understand that many external influences can impact a potential customer’s emotional state - from the practical, like where they are in their purchase journey, to the...

Going for gold: How The Royal Mint tapped into consumer behaviour

As marketers understand well, driving the path to purchase on any product is far more complex and nuanced than a simple case of ‘find person, show ad and the rest will follow’.

The motivations that drive consumers are intricately layered. Take my recent acquisition of a copy of Pride and Prejudice. I’d recently watched the film and had been considering rereading the novel. That day, I had read an article that told me the most productive people read a book a week -...

Mobile marketing mystics: Unlocking the potential of in-app advertising

Imagine it’s the 1980s for a second. You, a crystal-gazing marketeer, explain to your CMO that the future of marketing lays in mobile telephones.

‘Mobile phones! Pfft. They’re a yuppie fad, we don’t advertise to bricks,’ might come the scowling response of this 80s stereotype.

The derision wouldn’t be misplaced. For the first four decades that mobile phones existed, they were just that: mobile (as in, portable); phones (as in, well, a...