Marketers’ digital skills have declined during the pandemic

A woman using a laptop computer.

Digital marketing skills have stagnated or declined during the pandemic, research from training body Target Internet, in association with the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), has revealed.

Their report has found that unlike many other sectors - which saw digital skills accelerated by the pandemic - the majority of digital marketing skills stagnated or declined between 2020 and 2021. This decline has occurred across almost all sectors, and at all job levels, with skills in...

Lack of Trust in marketing data – What does this mean for the CMO?

Earlier this month Adverity launched its latest research project, surveying 964 marketers and marketing data analysts to understand their major challenges, strategic priorities, and pain points.

Shockingly, the research found that over a third (34%) of CMOs don’t trust their marketing data, this rises to over 50% of CTOs / CDOs. Meanwhile, the biggest pain point for both marketers and data analysts (42%) is the time it takes to manually wrangle data. Whilst there is not...

34% of CMOs do not trust their marketing data

A park bench with the word 'trsut' engraved on its side.

More than a third of CMOs do not trust their marketing data, according to research from marketing data analytics platform, Adverity. 

Additionally, there is a growing divide between data analysts and marketers when it comes to trusting their data. 

Almost a third of marketers don’t trust the data they are given to inform campaigns. A number that rises to 41% among their data analyst colleagues - posing a new challenge for the C-suite charged with driving...

Worldwide martech industry valued at £252.65bn

A collection of Sterling notes.

The martech industry has been valued at $344.8bn (£252.65bn), according to a report released by Moore Kingston Smith, a UK multidisciplinary professional services firm.

New research from Moore Kingston Smith in collaboration with the MarTech Alliance assesses the state of marketing technology (the range of digital tools and software that marketers use to achieve their objectives) in 2021/22 across a range of industries, spanning the finance, entertainment, automotive, media and...

Creating a data ecosystem built on consumer trust

A child playing with Lego.

It’s time to build an ecosystem that is rooted in consumer trust and puts the consumer first, says Tim Geenen, managing director, Addressability Europe at LiveRamp.

The increased scrutiny on third-party cookies, mobile device IDs, and IP addresses has made it increasingly difficult for advertisers to continue delivering meaningful experiences to consumers. As a result, publishers and advertisers alike have been finding ways to personalise the consumer journey without the need...

Majority of consumers feel positively about personalised advertising

Adverts and bright signs in Times Square, New York.

58% consumers in the UK and US feel positively about receiving a hyper-personalised online ad.

This is according to research from Iterable, a cross-channel marketing platform, which surveyed 1,500 consumers.

The survey crossed two regions with very different data regulations. The UK, and Europe more broadly, has been proactive on data privacy. The Data Protection Act 2018 brought in the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (otherwise known as GDPR), imposing...

Cannabis marketing platform Surfside raises £2.9 million

Someone weighing cannabis.

Surfside, an end-to-end marketing platform that turns first party customer data into personalised marketing for the cannabis industry, has raised $4 million (£2.9m) in Seed funding. 

Casa Verde led the round and Karan Wadhera, the firm's managing partner, will join Surfside's board of directors.

Surfside launched at the beginning of 2019 to help cannabis brands and dispensaries reach customers by delivering advertisements across connected devices. The technology is...

Three online data collection tips guaranteed to improve your business decision-making

Two people with laptops, making notes.

Given current global economic turbulence, business leaders can feel like they’re building on quicksand. Rapidly changing consumer demands, intermittent lockdowns and fluctuating manufacturing and transportation costs are just some of the challenges they’re facing.

To remain competitive, it’s more important than ever for businesses to predict trends and anticipate market shifts. Data is the secret ingredient which enables them to do this with accuracy. And many are turning to...

The antidote for an acute case of martech bloat

Marketing budgets are bouncing back to pre-Covid levels after what has been a tough year. But how marketers decide to invest that money has changed, with more resources being redirected to digital-first strategies. For example, the retailer Next recently announced it will now prioritise online marketing, stopping all other forms of marketing and promotion of its physical stores. As they change tack, marketers are expected to expand their investment in martech tools to support their digital...

Martech strategies: Make it, make it good, and make it happen

A marketing strategy that isn’t underpinned by technology and the right processes isn’t a strategy at all. It’s a waste of time.

The events of the last 14 months - as the global pandemic and resulting lockdowns have played havoc with existing business models - have demonstrated again the critical importance of direct contact with customers.

And unless that contact is tech-driven, it will be at best laborious, at worst completely dysfunctional.
