Why digital accessibility is now essential in the pandemic era

In a matter of weeks, Covid-19 achieved what years of lobbying and education had not - convincing organisations of the importance of making sure digital assets - like websites, emails and mobile apps - are easy to use and simple to navigate.

With the sudden upswing in digital demand and the almost overnight disappearance of physical interactions - it’s become clear how someone who cannot leave their home is forced to rely on digital channels, and how frustrating it is for them...

Why email needs to be the perfect platform for the Covid-19 moment

If anyone ever needed proof that email isn't dead, the Covid-19 crisis has provided it in spades. As companies around the globe became aware that the crisis would have an impact on their operations, customer communication became a higher priority than ever before. 

And rather than turning to instant messaging, chatbots, or any number of other newer technologies, most organisations chose to communicate with their customers via the old stalwart, email. And with good reason too....