Delving into a brand’s social ecosystem: AI and the refinement of data

It was only eleven years ago - in 2007 - that I set up the first social media agency in the UK. It seems inconceivable now to look back at a mere decade and see how drastically the social media landscape has shifted since then. We have gone from ‘innovative and cool new thing’ to the very foundation of marketing strategies.

Whilst the advent of social media has profoundly disrupted how marketers operate, everything from blogging to influencers and Wikipedia have seemingly...

Four ways to maximise Amazon’s social marketing power

Whilst Google is known for dominating search marketing, Amazon has started giving the search giant a run for its ad revenue – something that astute marketers will have seen coming for some time now.

According to WPP, 55% of product searches in the US now emanate from Amazon, and advertising has been a key contributor to their strong growth - 60% year on year.

This should come as little surprise; after all,  the e-retail giant has not only completely transformed...