Reaching customers where they are with Facebook’s click-to-Messenger ads: A guide

For years, marketers have pushed messages out to their customers and then sat back and hoped for a response. This form of “conversation” is incredibly limiting because it’s one-way — customers can’t tell you why they ignored an ad or responded to a call to action. That’s all changed with the arrival of Facebook’s click-to-Messenger ads.

These ads send users into a Messenger conversation with your business with a call to action that reads, “Send Message.” They are...

How to reach local audiences with your existing content strategy: Four in-depth methods

Consumer behaviour is trending toward on-the-go mobile shopping.

A 2018 study by Uberall revealed that 69% of smartphone users rely on their devices for shopping. Among those in that group, 82% had customised their searches to be “near me.” Data released in 2017 confirmed this trend: Four in five consumers want search results and ads to be customised to their local area, and half of smartphone shoppers visit a local store within a day of their...