Key areas of focus for retail advertisers in 2020: Cross-channel strategies and delivery models

Now that we are into 2020, there will no doubt be many metaphor-infused mentions of vision, sight, and awareness. In the world of advertising, foresight is just as important as hindsight. Being able to predict future innovations and consumer behaviours means keeping on top of not only late-breaking industry news and cutting-edge innovations, but also knowing what lies further ahead in the digital advertising space.

We’ve taken the pulse of the industry and identified five...

Google says goodbye to the Average Position metric: What do marketers need to know from here?

In advertising, there are several key questions that are always bandied around: how are our ads performing? What’s the ROI like? Are we increasing brand awareness?

Marketers using Google Ads have been comfortable responding to these questions, often relying on the ‘average position’ metric but as of September 30 that metric was fully retired to make way for ‘prominence metrics’, made up of Impression Share and Impression Rate, which have been being...