The ugly truth on conducting DIY research campaigns

Today’s data driven economy has theoretically transformed access to information about customers, prospects and competitors.  But drill down into the data provided by DIY research tools and the quality is raising serious concerns about the validity of research activity.

Help yourself

The plethora of self-service data collection platforms has provided organisations of every size with access to unprecedented depths of information. From apparently simple scripting to the wide...

Six key ways to distribute your content and grow your following at the same time

If you’re a leader in business, you’re probably not enamoured by social media. Sure, you’ve got accounts on LinkedIn and Twitter that an assistant or a member of your marketing team maintains, but you’re not too active there personally. You don’t have many followers, but you don’t mind; you have bigger things to worry about than who’s reading your tweets.

Too many leaders shy away from social because they see it as “kid...

The new publishing economy: How platforms will shape the industry in 2018

Twenty-five years ago, The Daily Telegraph embraced the World Wide Web and launched an online version of its daily newspaper. The launch had a simple brief to “explore this new medium; evaluate the usefulness of establishing the Telegraph as an online brand; learn about the technology and the commercial possibilities.”

More than two decades later, news organisations are still figuring out how to adapt to the digital age, and it’s going to get more complicated for...

Convergence communique: Designing your story based on media and message (part two)

Are you watching The Crown, a biographical series on Netflix about the reign of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom? Wrapped within this historical story, there is a marketing lesson to be learned.

Even the most steadfast, traditional “brands”, such as the British Royal family, need constantly to review their messaging – without being blinded by preconceived internal and external beliefs – and to understand how their messaging is being perceived and viewed...

Consent and security: GDPR in the adtech ecosystem

GDPR will come into effect on 25 May 2018, representing the biggest change to data protection across the EU in a decade.

Talking to a lot of advertisers, you could be forgiven for thinking that the sky is falling. But there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and the change does represent significant opportunities for companies smart enough to take them.

Tiffany Morris is General Counsel & Vice President of Global Privacy at Lotame, and has been having 3 – 5...

Media intelligence: Understanding the true meaning of press coverage and social sentiment

Today, organizations have more data at their fingertips than ever before and it’s influencing how they conduct business across the board. From identifying new product opportunities to potential new customers, data is becoming increasingly essential in both business and marketing efforts.

However, this rapid influx of information can be a double-edged sword making it essential to identify and analyze the right type of information. Communicators are now faced with the complex...

Convergence communique: Designing your story based on media and message (part one)

“Once upon a time…” That is how most stories begin – and many of the stories that began with those four words are fairy tales, fantasies, or make-believe narratives. Some, however, are based on true events.

What about your story? How would you define your business story? A fairy tale? A fantasy? An autobiography? Fiction, non-fiction, sci-fi, biz-fi… or none of the above?

The correct answer to this question is determined not by how you define...

Building the consumer relationship for brands and publishers: It’s all a question of trust

Recent research from Reuters reveals most people don't trust the mainstream media and are even more suspicious of social media.In addition, research from Rakuten Marketing suggests people increasingly see advertising as being linked to fake news and mistrusted content.

Whilst lack of trust is damaging the relationship between consumers and brands, we recently conducted research which shows above all else that consumers do trust each other.

Payment issues affect majority of affiliates and publishers

A survey by payment automation company Tipalti of 150 publishers and affiliates has found that the majority have faced some form of payment issues with an advertising network.

69% of respondents are currently ready to drop an advertising network, or have already dropped one, due to problems with payment.

Publishers and affiliate marketers operate in a competitive and crowded marketplace, where there are over 500,000 different media buying destinations for advertisers. This also...

Do people trust brands more than their friends online?

Traditional publishers are the most trusted source of online content, according to Outbrain.

The premium content company asked people who they trust most online and how this affects their purchasing decisions. They found that people often trust content posted by brands more then that posted by their friends.

The survey of over 1,000 UK consumers found that 34% of time online is spent consuming content that the individual did not set out to find.

What does this mean?...