Digital marketing skills show positive growth but sector demands outpace professional development 

Core digital skills marketers rely on have improved but that the growing demands of new and evolving technologies are contributing to a skills gap across the majority of industries. 

This is according to research published by the training body Target Internet, in association with the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).

This year’s report analyses data from more than 10,000 marketing professionals, gathered between 2018 to 2023 and highlights key short and...

Marketers are unaware of how to prepare for Google’s cookie deprecation

The advertising industry edges closer to one of the most significant changes in a decade, as Google plans to migrate 1% of Chrome users to Privacy Sandbox early next year.

Yet, marketers still lack preparedness for the deprecation of the third-party cookie. In a new survey from YouGov, commissioned by Adform, almost half of respondents believe that finding a solution to replace third-party cookies is critical to future success. However, only 33% think they are well prepared for...

Three-quarters of firms delay AI due to ethics concerns

More than half (51.3%) of global marketing leaders say that cost is a major challenge when adopting AI and automation into marketing operations according to a new study.

The research into emerging AI was conducted by workforce solutions and marketing operations consultancy, Algomarketing. 

This first-of-its-kind study surveyed over 300 global marketing leaders working in firms with 10,000+ staff about the current use of AI and automation in their marketing...

Marketing industry urged to reduce ‘alarming’ digital waste levels

Investis Digital (iDX) – a global digital company focused on performance-driven, data-driven solutions – has released the findings of a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on the financial and environmental waste caused by companies’ investments in technology and software, and duplicative digital advertising and content strategies.

The problem: Managing MarTech

Only 17% of companies indicated that their different technology components work together...

More than two-thirds of consumers being sent irrelevant messages by retail brands

With the high street reporting negative sales for the first time in more than two years, it’s clear that retailers are continuing to face a challenging and competitive environment.

Yet, at a time when positive and personalised experiences are more critical than ever, new findings reveal many retailers are not meeting the mark, with over two-thirds (69%) of consumers reporting that they receive irrelevant messages from brands and 41% saying they do not feel valued when it comes...

Complaints about nuisance calls saw freak drop of 57% in 2022

A telephone off the hook.

The number of nuisance calls and texts reported to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) dropped by 57% in 2022, a Freedom of Information (FOI) request from technology company Quadient has revealed.

The ICO received 56,015 complaints about nuisance calls and texts in 2022, less than half the 131,491 received in 2021 and fewer than in any year since 2019. Overall, there were 32,317 complaints about live calls (down 35%), 13,790 about automated calls...

Gen Z exposed as the worst data hoarders

Ones and zeros representing data.

Veritas Technologies, the leader in secure multi-cloud data management, today released results from a survey “In the Cloud, Out of Mind”, revealing the environmentally aware Generation Z is not necessarily conscious of how their personal digital footprint from online accounts and applications is negatively impacting the environment.

Over half of data stored in predominantly fossil-fueled data centres by businesses is waste data. Unwittingly contributing to this are the 63% of...

70% of UK consumers hide their personal data when online 

While many online advertisers are preparing for Google’s 2024 third-party cookie switch off, a new study from Nano Interactive reveals the rise of private browsing is already significantly impacting advertisers’ ability to target users online.  

The Tipping Point report, which surveyed 2,000 UK consumers to understand their online privacy habits, reveals 70% are accessing the internet in ways which mask their personal information on a weekly basis, such as browsing in...

Consumers abandon firms that waste energy storing data 

A power plant.

Almost half of consumers (44%) in the UK think it’s the responsibility of the organisations that store their information online to delete it when it’s no longer needed. This is according to new research from Veritas Technologies, the leader in secure multi-cloud data management.  

And these consumers are prepared to vote with their feet if businesses don’t cut back on data-related pollution: 42% said they would stop buying from a company if they knew it was...

1 in 4 consumers switching to more sustainable companies

A box of water.

British food and grocery brands are on notice - ignore the push to be more sustainable at your own peril.

According to the 2022 UK Brand Sustainability Benchmark Report one in four consumers have already changed brands based on sustainability perceptions and consumers are switching to brands with the strongest sustainability credentials at twice the rate of the average brand.

The report is the first in-depth look into the UK Food and Grocery Industry’s sustainability...