Analysing the haves and have nots for sales enablement: How can you become better?

If you want to be part of the C-suite at a visionary company, then you need a strategic, cyclical approach to the customer lifecycle. But where should sales enablement fit in?

This is the keynote of a new report issued by Seismic (landing page, email required). Not overly surprisingly, 'sales enablement platform provider says sales enablement is key' is not going to get tongues wagging. Yet while, as one would expect, the report says companies are applying sales enablement to...

Why you need to ensure your content works as hard as it can

Content now needs to work harder than ever to cut through the noise, resonate with the right people and impact on the bottom line.

Quality content that empathises with and engages audiences is a must to drive conversations, deliver unrivalled experiences and increase conversions. With so many brands leveraging content in one form or another, playing the long game is crucial if marketers are to make meaningful connections and create powerful content that converts in a space where...

Forget headless: Why agile CMS delivers the goods for marketing teams

Brands are trying to keep pace with new technologies and trends and even the terms that are adopted to describe them. ‘Agile CMS’ has recently been coined by Forrester, and it sounds great, but what does it mean in practice?

Disparate content systems rife with duplications and impossible to search cause delays and difficulties in enterprises today. Headless CMS, which separates frontend experiences from the backend content repository and management, had potential, but failed...

How AI can build a more empathetic future for marketing

The desire for companies to connect with the emotions of their customers is by no means a new phenomenon. For marketers, the ability to understand the emotional sentiments behind consumer behaviour has been a priority for decades. Yet it has been notoriously difficult to track these sentiments accurately over time.

Artificial intelligence (AI) offers a solution to this problem. Consumers today expect a tailored experience and AI has unique capabilities to help marketers by...

Brand sentiment analysis: Why positivity alone is no longer enough

Have you been using tailored, brand-specific optimisation that detects the true context and sentiment of a page to precisely and accurately classify content? You’re not alone.

Last year saw an industry evolution from brand safety to brand suitability. Born from the need of more nuanced brand stewardship, this move was accelerated by a massive uptick in digital engagement from consumers and a shifting news agenda that made it even more important for each brand to direct spend...

Adobe, BBC and Microsoft among big names in new standards group to combat disinformation

Six major organisations, including Adobe, the BBC, and Microsoft, have formed a combined entity to 'develop an end-to-end, open standard for tracing the origin and evolution of digital content.'

The companies, who also include Arm, Intel and Truepic, are creating the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA). The group will look to develop 'content provenance specifications' for common asset types and formats, with the goal of enabling publishers, creators and...

10 practical ways to grow your local business with digital marketing in 2021

Digital marketing for local business is quite different from how to do marketing for a national or global business.

Yes, we mostly use the same channels - but, in a different fashion.

Local businesses target local people, who are geographically around. They may seem easier to reach without digital marketing; however, it's been long since consumers started searching online before they buy basically anything.

More than 90% of users searched for local businesses...

How to determine brand readiness for influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is no longer an unfamiliar territory. The industry is projected to be a $15 billion global industry by 2022, up from $8 billion in 2019. It’s no surprise then that CMOs continue to emphasise influencer marketing strategies in their plans.

74% of CMOs surveyed in the 2019-2020 Gartner CMO Spend Survey planned to increase their social marketing (including influencer marketing) spending while 65% planned to roll out full or pilot influencer campaigns, with an...

How to write marketing emails for pandemic-era prospects in 2021: A guide

By now, you’ve likely heard that people are spending more time online. This isn’t a surprise, considering how quarantine and social distancing restrictions have affected everyone’s lifestyles. However, as a New York Times analysis revealed, people aren’t necessarily visiting the same websites they frequented before COVID-19 swept the globe.

While established media brands and streaming websites saw significant increases in traffic, many other URLs took hits as people’s...

Sara McCorquodale, CEO, CORQ: On influencer and brand relationships and Gen Z/millennial priorities

Influencer marketing is a catchy, catch-all buzzword - but for a term so vast, it has a litany of caveats attached to it.

Right now, in these uncertain Covid times, the word has a certain stigma - especially referring to those who are jetting off to conduct 'essential work' when so many are unable to travel. PR Week dubbed it the Dubai dilemma. Yet this undercuts the work many others are doing with far lower budget and scope.

Since the first brands caught on to the...