Investing in apps remain top priority for CMOs

More than half (53%) of businesses without an app plan to launch one in the next 12 months, according to a new survey of 101 UK CMOs.

The growth of the app market continues to go from strength to strength with more than seven million apps now available across iOS and Android. In fact, the research found that almost half (48%) of businesses currently have an app.

The survey, from digital marketing consultants ConsultMyApp, questioned 101 CMOs of businesses with more than...

75% of marketing agencies are outsourcing additional help

A 'help wanted' sign.

69% of in-house marketers and 75% of marketing agencies are sourcing help from either freelancers or content marketplaces.

This is according to content creation platform Verblio, which surveyed more than 400 content marketers to find out about the current state of digital content marketing.

The study into how freelancers, agencies and in-house digital marketers are using the tools of their industry, found that 21% of agencies said that content creation makes up more than...