Adobe, BBC and Microsoft among big names in new standards group to combat disinformation

Six major organisations, including Adobe, the BBC, and Microsoft, have formed a combined entity to 'develop an end-to-end, open standard for tracing the origin and evolution of digital content.'

The companies, who also include Arm, Intel and Truepic, are creating the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA). The group will look to develop 'content provenance specifications' for common asset types and formats, with the goal of enabling publishers, creators and...

MarketingTech 2020 review: Covid-19, CMO strategy, and compassion

How tough was 2020 for marketers amid a global pandemic? In many ways, it depended on your industry. But navigating Covid-19 was a struggle for all.

It was okay to not be okay at times, with the knowledge that 2021 will - all being well - improve, and the knowledge of the marketing best practices which emerged over 2020. As Scott Brinker put it to this publication in December: "This is stressful, but you're not alone. Everyone's in the same boat, so that makes it a little bit...

The need for mindful marketing in 2021: Take a step back to enable a giant leap forward

An interesting timeline has been unfolding this year, the likes of which we have never seen before. In the space of about 10 months, the global mood has swung from the depths of fear and uncertainty (as the pandemic took hold) to elation (as we started coming out of our respective lockdowns) and back to restrictions and anxiety for our health, our financial well being and our future (as the second wave spreads worldwide).

The dawning realisation is that even with a vaccine on the...

Green is the new black: What sustainable brands look like heading into 2021

2020 has been a year of many important conversations and the environment is top of the list. This year, 66% of Raconteur readers noted “more sustainable” and “environmentally friendly” as the top traits they wanted brands to have. In a world of high market saturation and unlimited choices, it’s impossible to ignore what the consumer values. The smartest brands, in turn, have recognized this and have implemented sustainable practices. Let’s take a look at how some of the best...

Why sustainability through technology is central to the event industry’s future

Few positives have resulted from the deadly coronavirus pandemic, but the effect on our Earth is unmistakable. Carbon dioxide emissions have decreased by 5%, and pollution is declining globally. The public’s response to this indicates that there will be a renewed energy toward sustainable initiatives. Once people can safely gather again and live events come back, it’s likely that a new level of concern for the planet will have taken hold, so experiential marketers should plan to evolve...

The thin line between real and online life is narrowing further with Covid-19 – and marketers need to react

The disruption and uncertainty of the Covid-19 pandemic has naturally seen consumer behaviour shift drastically. Remote working and eCommerce trends feel as though they have shifted inexorably, with work-life balance becoming re-evaluated in favour of the latter. The question is: which of these behaviours will stick, and form 'the new normal' longer-term?

Before their session at DMWF Virtual tomorrow (September 16), Naomi Morrice and Taylor Dickson, research analyst and research...

Don’t just address compliance as part of your marketing strategy – embrace it

Session When it comes to marketing, trust is sometimes considered something of a dirty word. Pre-GDPR, it was almost laughable. Yes, you can trust us not to hawk your data to any Tom, Dick or Harry going. You can also trust us that our product does exactly what we say it does, and that you won't get a few bills down the line because you neglected to read the small print.

The wheels are in motion for those who blatantly transgress, though the cogs can take a while to whirr. For the...

Why digital accessibility is now essential in the pandemic era

In a matter of weeks, Covid-19 achieved what years of lobbying and education had not - convincing organisations of the importance of making sure digital assets - like websites, emails and mobile apps - are easy to use and simple to navigate.

With the sudden upswing in digital demand and the almost overnight disappearance of physical interactions - it’s become clear how someone who cannot leave their home is forced to rely on digital channels, and how frustrating it is for them...

Consumers who rely on social media for news are less informed. Where do we go from here?

Opinion A major new study from Pew Research has found US adults who predominantly get their political news from social media are less likely than other consumers to closely follow major news stories. But what is underpinning this?

The study, which analysed surveys conducted between October 2019 and June 2020, argued that US adults who rely most on social media for news tend to be younger, are less likely to be white, and have lower levels of education than those who use several...

Tech behemoths maintain brand dominance as sustainability is key, says Kantar

Tech companies continue to dominate the biggest global brand lists - as the latest ranking from WPP and Kantar shows the largest brands are in a solid position to recover and thrive post-Covid-19.

The 2020 BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands ranking saw Amazon retain top spot and Apple again secure second place, with Microsoft and Google swapping places for third and fourth. The latter was down to a 30% brand value change for Microsoft compared with last year, although this...