How marketers can streamline requests and improve productivity in 2021

Marketing teams responding to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and worldwide social tensions have witnessed their workloads, budgets, and priorities being put under scrutiny during this time of upheaval. With events either being cancelled, put on hold, or switching to a virtual environment, social media and digital campaigns along with increased demand for targeted content, have increased. Alongside this, the workforce has also moved online and those water cooler conversations and the ability to...

Analysis: The four key methods for marketing measurement to maximise impact

When looking at organisations today, market research and marketing analytics now absorb around 13-16% of marketing operations budgets. However, evidence from Gartner’s Marketing Data and Analytics Survey (client access required) indicates that these investments are mismatched with their output and this presents a significant risk to the ongoing investment.

So, what does one do to find what works and what does not – which marketing activities should be doubled down on and which...

Four key tips to move up the digital marketing career ladder

For many, a good career involves opportunities to progress however it can be challenging to understand how to get to the top. Although there are different methods of progressing, and people have different suggestions, in my experience it’s often the less traditional routes which yield the best results.

Education isn’t everything

It might come as a surprise but I don’t think it’s crucial to invest in higher education for a successful career in marketing. While there are...