Selling with a plan: Bridging the gap between customer experience and expectations

Despite the paradigm shift that CRM brought to the world of sales, enterprises are still struggling with failure rates wildly disproportionate to the sales teams’ talent and hard work.

Customers and prospects today are smart, data savvy and very well informed before they even speak to a salesperson. This makes them more educated and demanding than ever before. However sales teams are having a hard time adapting to the needs of the digital era: many still tend to approach...

How to build the best martech stack for data-driven marketing: A guide

20 years ago, when Salesforce launched its SaaS CRM platform, times were simpler. The majority of customer relationships were managed by a single sales team who manually added their (copious) customer notes to the CRM. 

We’ve since evolved to a multi-channel world, where customers engage with brands across everything from mobile to social media. The sales team’s input into a CRM platform no longer captures the whole customer relationship and doesn’t give...

What Salesforce, Google and Microsoft’s acquisitions tell us about CRM – and why data is the new capital

This week’s acquisitions by Salesforce (Tableau), Google (Looker) and Microsoft (PowerAI) all point to one critical change in the business environment – that data is the new capital. We have financial capital and human capital - now we have data capital.

Using data properly allows large enterprises to better predict what their customers need. In the good old days, circa five years ago, you only used addresses to mail invoices. Sometimes it was used in demographic...

Salesforce dives into blockchain with low-code CRM offering

Salesforce has announced the launch of Salesforce Blockchain, a CRM product which aims to let users share verified, distributed data sets across a network of partners and third parties.

The low-code offering, aimed at developers working on the Lightning platform, has its theory in exploring how CRM can extend beyond direct customer relationships to creating business models around ecosystems. The blockchain technology is used to provide a secure distributed ledger to independently...

The nuts and bolts: Why B2B marketers shouldn’t overlook enhancing their CRM today

As marketers, there is always a focus on results and ROI – it goes with the territory. After all, generating value and leads for clients are what ultimately drives their businesses, and keeps customers happy.

And, when it comes to keeping track, it’s a must for communicators to be savvy when measuring the warm conversations they’re having with positive prospects and existing clientele. So, when analysing elements such as goal conversions – for example...

Why cloud-based interoperability is critical to the modern marketing stack

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 92 percent of B2B companies and 86 percent of B2C organisations now depend on content marketing to drive growth and customer retention. With daily online, social media, and video campaigns supplanting traditional print and television advertising media, marketers increasingly need a more robust, efficient way of creating diverse content and getting it in front of potential customers.

Traditionally, marketing departments have stitched...

Six killer marketing metrics that really matter: Segmentation and engagement

The life of a digital marketer is rarely straightforward. Whilst other communicators may perhaps argue it’s easier for their digital peers to evidence ROI, those within the world of email marketing, for instance, may be quick to defend their position. Because yes, they have a wealth of metrics at their fingertips, but it can be difficult to know where to start. Death by data anyone?

Focusing only on open and click rates?

In his book How to Win Friends and Influence...

Moving from AI to ‘applied intelligence’ to identify revenue sources and deliver business value

As companies increasingly adopt CRM technology and improve their data governance, they now have more customer and prospect data than ever before. They have reams of sales and marketing metrics. Yet in the post-GDPR era, with plummeting data confidence, growing numbers now admit the sales funnel is broken.

With a challenging economic climate and Brexit looming, it is not poor products or services that are compromising business success: it is companies’ inability to close new...

Transforming customer experience into an actionable marketing strategy: A guide

The workforce as we know it is changing and companies must be ready to adapt to fast change as we become ever more tech-centric. However, despite the digital noise there is one element that will always remain a constant requirement for success; delivering an excellent customer experience (CX) and maintaining a well-received brand image.

In our highly connected 'always on' digital world, CX combined with word of mouth is potentially one of the most powerful marketing tools...

The era of fluidity: How to achieve genuine customer-centricity in a post-CRM world

We’re in the era of fluidity. As the Experience Economy has exploded, there has been a seismic shift in the power base from brands to customers and, with that, a series of dramatic changes in how we enable brands to successfully bond with people. We must now meet emotional, tangible and functional needs seamlessly in every, and any touchpoint the customer desires.

Accompanying this change is a raft of continually emerging technology solutions that can be utilised to plan and...