Content versus context: Which one really matters more for mobile advertisers?

As consumers become increasingly comfortable making in-app purchases while on their mobiles, there can be little doubt that mobile will continue to be the backbone of online advertising. 

Despite the dominance of the likes of Facebook and Google in the digital ad market, there is still room aplenty for more targeted and tailored advertising to suit the in-app audience. Research from Mindsea last year shows that more than 90 percent of all smartphone users have a web browser,...

We are at the tipping point in defeating mobile ad fraud: What more needs to be done?

Mobile ad fraud is an issue for everyone working in the programmatic industry, and it’s clear that there is an overwhelming tide of parties committing it.

Many sources suggest that 40% of a typical advertising investment ends up being fraudulent. Within this, global loss to mobile-based ad fraud is estimated to make up almost half of total digital ad fraud.

While there are some examples of ad fraudsters being fined or even jailed, more needs to be...

Does real-time marketing need to take an alternative route?

My role at Waze has seen me speak to hundreds of brands and agencies about how to reach drivers when they’re on the move. Increasingly, questions have centred around data and how targeted advertisers can be in reaching drivers.

As the sheer number of ads we experience on many of the services we use every day has increased - often at the detriment of the user experience - the mobile advertising industry has also had to consider the ethical implications of using consumers’...

Marketers should be double mobile optimising content – here’s why and how

We all know that our time spent on mobile phones is increasing, but this year, for the first time, our time spent on mobile overtook TV. That’s more hours checking social media, watching content and viewing ads on our phones, than watching television, or on desktop. It may have been a long time coming, but surpassing that tipping point is a momentous shift for brands.

Customers are more likely to be viewing your ad during the three hours and 43 minutes they spend on their...

VRJAM and Agora partnership aims to provide sleek – and sustainable – VR event experience

The events industry in the UK is worth somewhere in the £40 billion area today. 2014 figures from BVEP put it just below that figure, while an AV Technology piece from last year spiked it at £42.3bn. 

This includes everything from the events themselves to travel costs - many readers will understand the 'on the road' mentality that comes with frequent executive international travel. But with climate awareness continuing to gain traction - Greta Thunberg...

Why marketers need to engage rather than enrage to solve the mobile advertising divide

Keeping a lid on problems doesn’t solve them — as the publishers still losing almost £1 million to ad blocking can confirm. Over the years, the ad block fight has slipped from the number one spot of industry problems; with declining general levels of blocked impressions and increasing advertising investment creating a perception the issue is under control. But that isn’t necessarily true.

Mobile is not only set to be a key driver of 2019’s £14.7...

Halo effect reveals importance of mobile ads in high quality environments

How does the environment in which an advert resides influence its performance? According to a new report from Integral Ad Science (IAS), adverts viewed in high quality mobile web environments were perceived significantly better than those in lower-grade versions.

The study, titled 'The Halo Effect: Ad Environment & Receptivity', observed 50 participants and their reactions to articles and creative content across 30 minutes. 

The report found three quarters...

Everything marketers need to know about Gen Z: Authenticity with individuality

After years of reading about the woes of marketing to millennials, it’s time for a new group of headlines. We’ve already seen articles that exhort the challenges of connecting with the first generation of consumers who have practically grown up online: Gen Z.

But Gen Z, for all the ways they seem to be changing the world around us, aren’t a mystery. We know exactly what these consumers want and, even better, we know exactly how to connect with them.

This is...

The harm of social media validation: A question of responsibility and protecting the vulnerable

Humans have an innate desire to be liked by peers and to feel a sense of belonging — and nowhere is this more prevalent than social media. The more likes, comments, and shares a post gets, the more socially validated the poster feels.

In fact, studies show that just these online reactions release dopamine in our brains, which makes us feel happy. Like gamblers at a slot machine, we anticipate a certain response when posting something online: Who will like my...

Five things to consider when planning an app: Usage, UX, and more

The app designing process will be a bumpy road if you don’t take a methodical approach. Your business doesn’t just need an app: it needs a user-friendly app that provides substantial value. If you know you want an app, then break out the whiteboard and start drafting out your plan.

There are some vital considerations you’ll have to make during the formative stages of mobile app development to assure that things stay budget-friendly and none of your efforts are...