Respecting data dignity: why CMOs should care about how they use data


‘Data Dignity’ might sound like yet another buzz-phrase, but the simple reality is that it represents a tidal wave of digital change that will fundamentally alter the way that enterprises can operate from a data perspective.

This should not just be on the radar of all CMOs, but the trigger for a sea change in attitudes towards data, as well as a reassessment of the opportunities it brings. 

The initial stage is set, with consumer awareness of privacy at an all time...

David Shadpour, Social Native: Why brands should focus on authentic content creation

Social Native's founder and CEO urges brands around the world to build an army of creators, and embrace user generated content.

For anyone who doesn’t know about Social Native, what's the company all about?

The name itself, Social Native, has some depth to it. In the early print days, you'd hire a big agency, they would do a photo shoot and they'd print it for you and put it in a magazine. 

Then television came out and you had to do sight and sound. You hire a big...

CMOs are drowning in data and distracted from consumer behaviour

Ones and zeros representing data.

A third of CMOs (33%) are more focused on the impact of rising number of channels and platforms than increasingly complicated consumer behaviour (17%), according to new research from integrated marketing data platform Adverity.

Findings also suggest that related growth in data volumes may be a significant cause behind this imbalance of priorities.

Titled 'Recession, Resilience, & Marketing Data: What’s shaping the CMO’s roadmap?', the report surveyed 300 CMOs...

87% of B2B companies fail to unlock full value of buyer intent data

A selection of keys.

As many as 82% of B2B companies continue to find lead generation a challenge, with enterprises of more than 250 employees more likely to describe it as a “large challenge” than SMEs.

This is according to a survey of US and UK senior marketing and sales professionals, commissioned by website tracking software firm, Leadfeeder.

Lead generation is often considered to be the critical driver of growth for B2B businesses and the first step in building a meaningful...

Shocking loyalty statistics that will make you rethink your marketing strategy

A graph displayed on a laptop.

Whether due to the rise of e-commerce, the disruptions of the pandemic or other factors specific to a given industry, the old patterns of consumer behaviour no longer hold true in the current marketplace. According to Cheetah Digital's recently published 2022 Digital Consumer Trends Index, even the 76% of UK consumers who define themselves as loyal to certain brands say they’d still buy from competitors if it was cheaper or more convenient to do so. In this article, we take a look at the...

Two-thirds of UK brands are underutilising marketing data


Almost two-thirds of UK brands are underutilising their data and limiting its effectiveness by focussing on general analysis activations rather than more sophisticated techniques.

While the majority are activating their data – just a small amount of marketers (5%) are not activating their data at all – only 39% of brands are utilising the power of advanced measurement solutions to gain granular insights from their data. 

This is according to a study of marketing...

5 steps to increasing business resilience through data maturity

Dany El-Eid, Adverity.

The role of data to empower business leaders to make better-informed decisions is seemingly ever increasing.

But, with the world’s economy becoming increasingly complex and volatile, it is the more digitally mature companies proving to be resilient to economic shocks.

In 2021, Dany El-Eid, director of North America at digital analytics software firm, Adverity, conducted a study into this topic. His research examined 10 companies’ strategies and tactics that have...

Combatting the data and analytics skill gap in the marketing industry 

Data displayed on a tablet and print outs.

Research shows that almost half of businesses are recruiting for data and analytics roles, yet 46% of businesses have struggled to fill these roles over the last two years. As marketing evolves, these skills are increasingly important for the industry. With this unprecedented growth in job vacancies, marketers must adopt new strategies to attract and retain talent in marketing roles. 

As a business’ martech stack grows, so does the demand for highly-skilled marketers to...

LinkedIn snaps up Oribi to accelerate attribution technology capabilities

LinkedIn on a smartphone.

LinkedIn has entered into an agreement to acquire Oribi, an Israel based marketing analytics company, to further help customers gain actionable insights, make smarter decisions and drive business results.

Through the integration of Oribi’s technology into our marketing solutions platform, LinkedIn said its customers will benefit from enhanced campaign attribution to optimise the ROI of their advertising strategies.

As part of the agreement, LinkedIn will also open a...

CMOs lack data capabilities needed to hit growth targets

A dart board.

UK C-suite and CMO executives agree that data and analytics are vital to business growth yet lack the capabilities required to achieve their targets.

This is according to a Realise UNLIMITED study, which surveyed more than 80 C-suite execs with annual sales of at least £30 million, and found over four-fifths of respondents (81.5%) agree data and analytics are crucial to growing their business. 

However, execs admitted they weren’t sure what good data and...