MarketingTech partners with Publisher’s Toolbox to accelerate digital growth

With tough economic conditions prevailing even before the devastating impact of Covid-19, independent publishers everywhere are looking at ways to reduce expenditure while continuing to offer high-quality content to their communities.

With one eye on future scalability and growth, MarketingTech have partnered with Publisher’s Toolbox , digital platform specialists with a commitment to supporting independent publishers through their digital platform...

Beyond the traditional: How YouTube is looking to turn lockdown viewing habits into a marketing win

Lockdown measures have been continuing to ease across the UK and beyond - albeit with some caveats - but there are some habits formed over the past few months that are here to stay. Being stuck behind closed doors led many people to try new things for the very first time, whether that was baking bread, a self-haircut, or working out at home instead of down the gym.

While the evidence on the streets suggests hairdressers won’t be replaced by DIY jobs any time soon, all three of...

Creating a unified brand strategy: Why problems ‘start small and multiply’

Creating a unified brand, across all stakeholders and touchpoints, is one of the most important goals a marketing team strives to achieve. Digital transformation has made this need more acute; the importance of social media means a plethora of new channels to get communications right.

As social has made the world more connected, it has also forced companies to make their workplaces more connected and collaborative. Yet many marketing departments struggle to even get that...

Why R&D is ‘the wind beneath marketing’s wings’ at Coca-Cola: AI, analytics, and more

Session Even if you are one of the biggest and most recognisable brands in the world, it never pays to stand still.

Coca-Cola is a particular case in point. For years, the soft drinks behemoth regularly topped the charts as the world's most valuable brand. Yet in 2013, according to Interbrand's rankings, Apple took Coca-Cola's crown, ending its 13-year unbroken stay at the top and moving it down to third, behind Google. As of 2019, Apple and Google remain one and two, with...

How to combine your people, your brand and your technology for game-changing disruption

What makes a truly transformational and disruptive idea? The answer is two-fold. Firstly, these ideas understand and respond to new behaviours while leveraging new or underutilised technology. And secondly, they often come from ambitious organisations who understand how to integrate the right people and skills to stretch a vision and deliver on a single, motivating purpose or mission.

In short, game-changing ideas create real-world impact for people and businesses. And this...

How marketing can be a force for good – with Covid-19 helping showcase brand empathy

A few weeks ago, I was all set to appear at Big Data AI World, on a panel about the impact of AI on ethical marketing and advertising. It occurred to me that the subject matter was quite niche when the broader issue – marketing for good – is immense and wide-reaching. I wondered therefore if there was any appetite for readers here to find out more about why and how I believe marketing can be a force for good.

In fact, I didn’t get around to writing until this weekend,...

From development to deployment: Why the future of media and entertainment lies in the cloud

In the last few years, entertainment giants such as Apple and Disney have woken up to the revenue potential of the streaming service market that Netflix has long dominated. They’ve directed huge volumes of capital in their quest to seize market share, with Disney’s streaming business alone now worth a staggering $100 billion. 

It’s an exciting time for the sector no doubt. But in the age of the streaming wars, production teams have their work cut out. Content...

Not in a silent way: How Jazzed launch represents alternative to ‘all-you-can-eat’ streaming culture

Have you ever been in a position where you’re on the well-known video streaming platform of choice and find yourself utterly unable to decide what to watch next? The algorithm and lazy load web design is happily combining to give you suggestion after suggestion, but nothing seems to fit.

If so, you’re not the only one to have the same feelings. For those saturated by the era of all-you-can-eat for £9.99 in the music industry, there are increasingly new...

Will Eagle, Read This If You Want To Be YouTube Famous author: On authenticity, attitude and audience

“Video is an acquired skill,” explains Will Eagle, author of Read This If You Want To Be YouTube Famous. “It’s not the same as Instagram – anyone can take a picture and apply a filter.”

Eagle, who spent four years as a brand strategist at Google working primarily on the video platform, put together his new book based on a survey which found three quarters of young people interviewed wanted to become YouTubers. Yet long gone are the days when...

Starbucks flips the equation with Deep Brew – by using AI for a more humanised customer experience

Starbucks has been making noise about its artificial intelligence (AI) projects of late – and specifically how they can be applied into marketing and customer experience activities.

Speaking to analysts following the company’s Q4 2019 earnings release at the end of last month, Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson noted how Deep Brew, an initiative focused on the coffee house’s AI investments, is taking shape.

“Deep Brew will increasingly power our...