That’s one confusing name: Xbox One product name review

After much speculation, Xbox revealed the name of its new console today: the Xbox One. Wait, huh? You know, “one,” as in “the one,” or the first “one” of its kind. Except that this Xbox isn’t the first one, and this discrepancy could confuse anyone who isn’t an avid gamer.  The last Xbox was the Xbox 360, and the one before that was simply the Xbox, which would technically make this the third generation Xbox. If Xbox wants to widen their appeal to the casual gamer,...

What businesses can get from gamification

Customers are more likely to respond to a gamified response, according to research by global marketing company Upstream.

Around three quarters of marketers believe that customers are likely to respond to game-based marketing mechanics, but only 27% have put this into practice.

The research, which focused on the understanding and use of game mechanics in marketing strategies, was collected at ad:tech London 2011. It found that 66% of marketers didn’t understand the term...

Gamification revisited – delight your customers

Earlier this year, we discussed the opportunity for banks to make personal finance fun by injecting gaming dynamics into their products and services. We suggested that a bank can set up a system that provides incentives to reward saving behavior. The program should be created by a game designer and produce an ecosystem where the objective of the game is to save as much money as possible in an account serviced by the...