How retail marketers can empower back-to-school campaigns in a cookieless future

School pupils studying.

Cookies have long been a lunchbox favourite. However, when they’re of the ‘third-party’ variety, they leave a bad taste in the mouths of consumers everywhere, including those getting ready for back-to-school shopping. According to Cheetah Digital’s 2022 Digital Consumer Trends Index, 64% of U.K. consumers say they believe cookie tracking is “creepy”.

Google and other browsers have taken note, cementing plans to comprehensively cease third-party cookie tracking within...

Amazon tackles fake review fraudsters on social media

Amazon boxes.

Amazon has filed legal action against the administrators of more than 10,000 Facebook groups that attempt to orchestrate fake reviews on Amazon in exchange for money or free products.

These groups are set up to recruit individuals willing to post incentivized and misleading reviews on Amazon’s stores in the U.S., the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Japan.

Amazon will use information discovered in this legal action to identify bad actors and remove fake reviews...

89% of people feel social media negatively affects their mental health

Social media logos.

89% of social media users believe it is damaging their mental health, according to a study by The Cybersmile Foundation.

The organisation recently unveiled Digital Wellbeing 2022 - its second bi-yearly study conducted by the charity to learn about the impact that social media use has on 16- to 24-year-old users.

The Digital Wellbeing 2022 study asked 1000 participants aged 16-24 across the UK a series of questions relating to the way that their social media use affects...

Metaverse: What’s the impact on data privacy?

An array of lights depicting a person's body.

The metaverse, which will merge physical reality with the digital world by way of virtual reality, augmented reality and the Internet, is coming. But the question is — are we ready?

According to Chris Wylie, the Cambridge Analytica whistleblower that spurred a massive overhaul of privacy practices and legislation across the globe, the answer to the above question is a resounding no.

In fact, it might be best to start pumping the breaks on the metaverse now before it...

Two-thirds of Gen Z out of touch with traditional Black Friday marketing

Climate Change

Gen Z has fallen out of touch with Black Friday marketing that fails to demonstrate a company’s sustainable practices, despite being the nation’s biggest consumers.

The latest from student marketing platform Student Beans, the research suggests conscious and ethical brand communications have the most impact on younger generations.

Despite this, Gen Z spends more than any other generation during the Black Friday weekend. This year the average 18-to-24-year-old spent...

More than half of UK marketers expect 10-25% revenue drop from cookie deprecation

A plate of chocolate chip cookies.

Two fifths (42%) of marketers say the loss of cookies will decrease revenue and over half of these (57%) expect a drop of 10-25%. 

This is according to a study by data management firm Lotame. The company surveyed 200 UK senior decision-makers in digital media and marketing to evaluate identity solution adoption amid the flurry of data privacy changes reshaping the open web. Respondents were polled in September 2021, after Google revealed another delay to deprecating...

Taking back responsibility for data

A graph displayed on a laptop.

It is an obvious statement to say that the more information brands hold about their customers, and the higher the quality of that information, the more accurate and relevant the marketing of products and services can be.

In today’s digital world, it’s a safe bet that much of the customer insights utilised by marketers comes from third party cookies. This has always, however, been somewhat of a scattergun approach as the science behind cookies is not very...

How marketers can overcome data privacy challenges as Google and Apple increase consumer protection

A gate with a sign that reads 'private'.

Consumers care about data privacy. In 2021, they know more about how their data is collected, stored, and shared, and they want more control. This presents a unique set of challenges for marketers because data collection has become so closely tied to the modern consumer experience. Would we have witnessed the same exponential growth in e-commerce without personalised advertisements and targeted promotions? Likely not, because consumers and marketers alike have become dependent on...

Creating a data ecosystem built on consumer trust

A child playing with Lego.

It’s time to build an ecosystem that is rooted in consumer trust and puts the consumer first, says Tim Geenen, managing director, Addressability Europe at LiveRamp.

The increased scrutiny on third-party cookies, mobile device IDs, and IP addresses has made it increasingly difficult for advertisers to continue delivering meaningful experiences to consumers. As a result, publishers and advertisers alike have been finding ways to personalise the consumer journey without the need...

Forest Green Rovers partners with Go Up in move to green-focused football

Go Up at Forest Green Rovers F.C.

League Two team Forest Green Rovers F.C. has partnered with search marketing agency Go Up as its official training ground sponsor.

The club, which was described by FIFA as ‘the greenest football club in the world’ in 2017, hopes the move will further inspire green business growth and sustainable development.

Go Up will be the name of Rovers' first-team and academy training ground at Stanley Park in Chippenham.

Across videos and photos from the Go Up...