WTF do B2B tech marketers do when the world is WFH?

Technology has really come into its own this year, with broadband straining under the enormous pressure of back-to-back Zooms (“You’re on mute…”), a massive rise in online shopping, and the digitisation of so many parts of our lives. Lenin’s famous quote, “There are decades when nothing happens; and there are weeks when decades happen” has never felt more pertinent than this year when we look at the scale of digital transformation across business and personal...

Don’t just address compliance as part of your marketing strategy – embrace it

Session When it comes to marketing, trust is sometimes considered something of a dirty word. Pre-GDPR, it was almost laughable. Yes, you can trust us not to hawk your data to any Tom, Dick or Harry going. You can also trust us that our product does exactly what we say it does, and that you won't get a few bills down the line because you neglected to read the small print.

The wheels are in motion for those who blatantly transgress, though the cogs can take a while to whirr. For the...

Why does my organisation need to rebrand? Key points to consider

Whether sales have slipped, workforces and customers have outgrown an existing brand, or leaders have had to pivot their propositions to remain relevant, exploring a rebrand is by no means an overnight process – or a quick-fix that doesn’t address underlying issues.

Several conversations between internal teams have to take place long before any decisions concerning a new identity are made. Each step of the way must also highlight exactly what such a project can achieve – and...

How performance branding is reinventing marketing ROI

A growing share of the marketing budget is managed according to the principles of targeted-performance marketing: personalised messages, direct impact measurement at the level of individual users, near-time optimisation, and partial automation. This is especially true for digital marketing activities that drive conversion and purchase. But what about the media spend focused on the earlier stages of the consumer’s decision journey, such as brand awareness, including traditional media or...

Disrupting the eCommerce status quo: Covid-19 and digital transformation

There is no doubt there is a sense that the Great Retrenchment is upon us; yet as ever, where there is a crisis, new opportunities arise.

As Ian Altman, business-to-business growth expert and bestselling author of Same Side Selling, reminds us, the underlying product or service hasn’t changed, but the way it’s presented now has to.

Up until Covid-19 most organisations believed they had reached the pinnacle of digital transformation, when in fact they were nowhere...

Facebook: Zuckerberg says ad boycott will end ‘soon enough’ as Oxford study explores impact

As the number of companies boycotting Facebook continues to grow, a study from the University of Oxford argues an 'immediate' negative impact could result, particularly in the retail sector.

Various major brands, including Adidas, Coca-Cola and Starbucks - with PlayStation the latest big name to join - are withdrawing advertising to pressure the social network into taking a stronger stand against hate speech.

According to the Information - with the story's veracity later...

The last (third party) cookie: How to prepare for a new era of digital advertising

In a 1984 episode of Sesame Street, Prairie Dawn, the most-level headed Muppet, is faced with a difficult challenge: she must explain the concept of ‘the last cookie’ to the Cookie Monster. The presentation begins well. Prairie asks the Cookie Monster to eat three of the four cookies on the table, and he does so with typical enthusiasm. But the mood changes when Cookie Monster is faced with the last cookie.

“But Prairie! Prairie! That’s the last cookie! After we eat that...

Analysis: The four key methods for marketing measurement to maximise impact

When looking at organisations today, market research and marketing analytics now absorb around 13-16% of marketing operations budgets. However, evidence from Gartner’s Marketing Data and Analytics Survey (client access required) indicates that these investments are mismatched with their output and this presents a significant risk to the ongoing investment.

So, what does one do to find what works and what does not – which marketing activities should be doubled down on and which...

From development to deployment: Why the future of media and entertainment lies in the cloud

In the last few years, entertainment giants such as Apple and Disney have woken up to the revenue potential of the streaming service market that Netflix has long dominated. They’ve directed huge volumes of capital in their quest to seize market share, with Disney’s streaming business alone now worth a staggering $100 billion. 

It’s an exciting time for the sector no doubt. But in the age of the streaming wars, production teams have their work cut out. Content...

The key digital marketing pitfalls tech startups need to avoid: A guide

There are few things more difficult than starting your own business. Studies show that as many as 60% of firms close their doors within three years.

For those of us in the startup world, the same question often arises: what causes the downfall of so many promising businesses? Well, the relative strength of the core proposition is undoubtedly the most important determinant of success, with research showing as many as 42% of companies fail because their central product idea is weak....