Just 5% of consumers highly trust tech companies

A park bench with the word 'trsut' engraved on its side.

As high-profile biometric breaches and violations make headlines, consumer comfort levels in sharing biometrics have declined significantly.

According to GetApp's 2024 Biometric Technologies Survey of 1,000 consumers, the number of individuals who highly trust tech companies to safeguard biometric data has absolutely plummeted, falling from 28% in 2022 to a mere 5% in 2024.

This is contrary to the immediate post-pandemic years when biometric technologies peaked in...

Advertising will not crumble as new tools are in the mix

As Google’s deprecation of third-party cookies becomes a reality in 2024, UK businesses are taking action. 

A new survey conducted by Capterra, a software and services marketplace, has found that despite 61% of marketers expressing concerns about how the cookie discontinuation may impact their company, nearly half (49%) of all the respondents said their company felt “well prepared” and 44% are “moderately” so. 

In fact, for many, the change is perceived as...

Consumers trust banking sector the most with personal data

Someone using an ATM.

Thales, a global technology and security provider, has published the findings of its 2024 Thales Digital Trust Index which reveals that the banking sector is most trusted when it comes to protecting personal data and delivering trusted digital experiences.

Thales surveyed 12,426 consumers globally about their relationship with online brands and services, what privacy expectations they demand, and how brands can earn their trust.

Danny de Vreeze, VP Identity and Access...

8 in 10 Americans concerned about online data privacy, but 48% trust zero-party data collection

With third-party cookie-less marketing nearly here, a new research report released today finds an overwhelming majority of Americans distrust brands when it comes to their data privacy.

Attest, a leading consumer research platform finds that 84% of Americans are concerned about data privacy when interacting with brands online (including 41% who are “very concerned”). 

This concern about intrusive data gathering and disconcertingly personal advertisements appears to...

Acxiom partners with MetaRouter to help brands overcome cookie deprecation

Acxiom, the customer intelligence company, has teamed up with MetaRouter, a specialist in customer data infrastructure. The partnership will see Acxiom implement MetaRouter solutions that will enable customers to better define their first-party data strategies in a world facing cookie deprecation.

Combining MetaRouter's data delivery strengths with Acxiom's integration expertise, the two companies help brands refine first-party data strategies and develop effective customised...

The future of marketing: 3 key trends set to transform the European landscape in 2024

Matthew Biboud Lubeck, VP EMEA, Amperity, offers valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

In the face of ongoing economic uncertainty, brands are gearing up for a pivotal year in 2024 with a strategic emphasis on growth. While there will be many opportunities to drive profitable growth, one key theme emerges: privacy prioritisation. Strong privacy foundations enable accurate measurement while building consumer trust.

Research demonstrates...

63% of marketers lack a clear plan for cookieless personalisation

Despite Google’s announcement that it will begin phasing out support for third-party cookies in Chrome at the beginning of 2024, 63% of marketers still have no clear strategy for cookieless personalisation.

That’s according to a survey from Optimizely that highlights the urgent need for marketers to reassess their personalisation strategies for 2024.

The research, which surveyed 100 UK marketing professionals across the UK, found that more than half (54%) also...

Capgemini’s CMO playbook for generative AI sees rapidly expanding ecosystem

Organisations who are already investing in generative AI for marketing are dedicating almost two thirds of their budget towards the technology, according to new figures from Capgemini.

62% of marketing budgets are going on generative AI, according to a poll of 1,800 global marketing executives at organisations with annual revenues of more than $1 billion USD. The same percentage of respondents believe that generative AI will ‘augment human creativity, enhancing unique human...

51% of UK consumers admit to deliberately trying to withhold their personal information  

Two thirds (66%) of UK consumers hear from brands digitally six or more times per day, yet a staggering 88% of them claim that half or less of the content they receive is relevant to them.

This is according to a survey conducted by customer data platform Treasure Data, which also found that almost one in five (19%) UK consumers said none of the content they receive was of relevance at all. This has shined a bright light on brands’ failure to deliver accurate data-driven...

Festive shoppers are 81% more likely to click on personalised content this year

Festive online shoppers are taking longer to make purchase decisions this year, including interacting more heavily with retailers’ personalised product recommendations and content.

This is according to global data gathered by Commerce Experience Platform, Nosto, over Cyber Weekend 2023 found that ecommerce traffic was up 23%, with shoppers viewing 22% more pages per visit and spending 10% longer on each page. Despite this more considered shopping behaviour, sales were up 4.41%...