GetResponse unveils enhanced ecommerce marketing automation solution

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GetResponse unveils enhanced ecommerce marketing automation solution Duncan is an award-winning editor with more than 20 years experience in journalism. Having launched his tech journalism career as editor of Arabian Computer News in Dubai, he has since edited an array of tech and digital marketing publications, including Computer Business Review, TechWeekEurope, Figaro Digital, Digit and Marketing Gazette.

Marketing automation software provider, GetResponse, has launched an enhanced Ecommerce Marketing Automation solution.

Ecommerce marketing automation can help online store owners scale their businesses in an automated manner— increasing revenue and sales, according to Daniel Brzeziński, VP, COO and head of product at GetResponse

He said: “Though we’ve had existing partnerships and robust integrations with Ecommerce companies such as Shopify, Magento, PrestaShop, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce, it became clear to us—through countless customer interviews—that we needed to expand our Ecommerce automation solution.

“Inspired by this insight, we pushed our existing Ecommerce integrations to a new level and added additional features to better equip business owners to drive revenue seamlessly.”

The following set of enhanced features allow users to harness the power of automation to grow their Ecommerce stores:

One-click integrations with leading Ecommerce platforms: Populate product inventory and customer data in GetResponse (no coding experience required).
Advanced segmentation: Information on customer purchases, order history, and behaviour on sites enables building segments for specific groups of customers and creating precisely- targeted marketing campaigns that convert.
Quick transactional emails: Send automated purchase confirmations and trigger automated abandoned cart emails that remind customers about unfinished purchases.
Promo codes: Synchronise promo codes from ecommerce platforms with GetResponse and seamlessly drag and drop them into newsletters, autoresponders, or automation messages.
Product recommendations: The Product Recommendations Engine is a powerful, data-driven tool that learns customer preferences and potential needs based on historical purchases and behaviour. The automation populates the section within an email with specific products relevant to each recipient on the list.
Popups: Used to grab website visitors’ attention, popups significantly increase site conversions and sales. GetResponse provides access to a code-free, drag-and-drop creator, where users can design popups and outline specific conditions on how they work.
Prebuilt automation templates: Welcome new contacts, recommend products, recover lost sales, and use behavioural targeting easily with prebuilt templates and playbooks.
Omnichannel: Utilise email, web push notifications, SMS, and popups for complete multichannel customer engagement campaigns that enhance sales growth.

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